
Welcome to the Muses Code Javascript Workshop.

We hope you have a really fun time learning Javascript! :smile:

We are going to assume the following about you:

  • you know some basic HTML/CSS and can make simple webpages
  • you know the basics of using a text editor like Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text etc.

If you aren’t familiar with those things you should start with Introduction to HTML first.

This workshop aims to teach you the basics of Javascript within the web-browser. This is pretty easy to get started with, and builds up some core knowledge useful both in the browser and in learning Node.JS or any other JavaScript environment.

Why JavaScript?

JavaScript is everywhere these days. In addition to being built into the browser, Node.JS has made it possible to do server-side, desktop, and even robotics programming in Javascript as well.

So now you can write your backend services in Javascript, your website frontend in Javascript, desktop tools, and automation as well.

The future is obviously written in Javascript, so the better question is: Why not Javascript?

What we are going to do

This workshop has a bunch of steps. After giving you an overview of the concept of programming, each step will introduce a new aspect of javascript step you through building a simple page to demonstrate it.

Sound good? Then let’s go.