There are a bunch of different ‘operators’ in programming. Let’s have a look through arithmetical operators now. JavaScript includes several standard arithmetical operators (+, -, /, *) that you can use to do maths with your numbers.

const sumOfNumbers = 1 + 3; console.log(sumOfNumbers);

This will print the number 4 in our console.


Note how we didn’t put 1 and 3 in quotes, because they are numbers.


Create 3 variables:

  • 1st variable named ten with value 10
  • 2nd variable named three with value 3
  • And finally 3rd variable named multipleOfNumbers that will be equal to the 1st variable multiplied by the 2nd variable.
Answer const ten = 10;
const three = 3;
const multipleOfNumbers = ten * three

Display the value of multipleOfNumbers.

Answer const ten = 10;
const three = 3;
const multipleOfNumbers = ten * three

One operator not often covered is the modulo - %. This calculates the remainder when one number is divided by the other. For example, 7 % 3 = 1 as 7 can be divided by 3 twice with 1 remainder.