Getting Started
Level 1
- 4 - Comments
- 5 - Displaying Text
- 6 - Variables - Let
- 7 - Variables - Constants
- 8 - Arithmetic Operators
- 9 - Functions
- 10 - If/Else Statements
- 11 - Comparison Operators
- 12 - If/Else Loops
- 13 - Boolean Operators
- 14 - Level 1 Complete!
Level 2
Level 3
Useful Links
Step 7 - Variables - Constants
A constant is just like a variable, but it must be given a value when it is declared (created), and that value can never change. In other words, a constant always contains the same information.
To declare (create) a constant, we use the keyword const
const earthRadiusKm = 6371;
Assigning a new value to the constant will cause an error, we can not do:
earthRadiusKm = 6400;
The name of constants can also be used to represent the information they contain, in the same way as variables.
Don’t forget to comment out alerts if you don’t want them to pop-up every time.
Create a constant, and display it an alert pop-up box.
const dogLegs = 4;
Try to assign a new value to your constant to see what happens.
const dogLegs = 4;
dogLegs = 3;