Now that we can display our posts, the next part is creating new ones.

How this is expected to work is that we will type something into the text box in the page, click “POST” and your content will be saved on the server and displayed in the page.

Much like the previous step, in order to make that work we will have to implement the appropriate route with the behaviour that the page expects.

This route has the following requirements:

  1. Endpoint URL: /create-post
  2. Request Method: POST

However, the handler function behaviour required is relatively complicated compared to our previous route:

  1. Post content will be sent from the form field blogpost
  2. The new post data should be added to existing posts in posts.json, using the current timestamp as its property name.
  3. The new version of posts.json should be saved to disk.
  4. The new post entry should be sent back as the response.

There’s quite a bit to cover here, so we are going to split this one up over a four steps. For the first one, we will just create the endpoint and extract our content.

The /create-post endpoint

So far all of the endpoints you have created have been for the GET request method because you have been requesting data from the server. However this time you will be sending new data to the server for it to save, so we will use the POST request method.

Add the following to server.js:'/create-post', function (request, response) {


Extracting our post

Your new post content from the text box is sent in the request as “form data”. This makes it difficult to extract. However someone has written a nice package called express-formidable for extracting form data.

Install express-formidable using NPM with this command. This is exactly the same as when you installed express.

npm install express-formidable --save

Once it is installed, import it into your program at the top of server.js using require.

var formidable = require('express-formidable');

This time we didn’t use exactly the same name as the package. This is because you can’t use - in a variable name.

express-formidable is a middleware function, like express.static(). So we have to tell our app object to use it.

Add the following line to server.js after your app.use(express.static()) line and before your endpoints.


Sometimes the order that middleware functions are added with app.use() is important. This depends on the middleware functions you are using. In this case, express-formidable must be added after express.static().

What express-formidable does is automatically extract form data from the request, and add it back as an easy to use object called fields.

Test it out

To verify that it is working, add a console.log statement to your handler function to log this object.'/create-post', function (request, response) {

Test that you can use what express-formidable provides:

  1. Make sure server.js is saved.
  2. Stop and start the server.
  3. Go to the app in your browser, type something in the box, and click POST.

In your terminal you should see your post logged:

Checking the new post object in the Terminal

If it isn’t working for you, you can double-check that your code is right with the solution below:

var express = require('express');
var formidable = require('express-formidable');
var fs = require('fs');

var app = express();

app.use(formidable());'/create-post', function (request, response) {

app.get('/get-posts', function (request, response) {
  fs.readFile(__dirname+'/data/posts.json', function (error, data) {
    if (error) {
      console.log('Error reading posts.json: '+error);
    } else {

app.listen(8080, function () {
  console.log('Server has started listening on port 8080.');
Keyword Explanation

An HTTP method for fetching data. Read more here. For more detailed docs read this


An HTTP method for sending data. Read more here. For more detailed docs read this


An Express middleware function that parses (reads) form and file data from the request. Documentation on it here


Functions in Express that run before the final request handler. A nice article explains in more depth here