So hopefully you have completed the workshop and tried a couple of the challenges.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg for Node.js. There is a whole internet of technologies and tutorials at your fingertips. Here are some starting points about where you could go next.

Other Node Tutorials


Git and Source Control

If you used Cloud9 for this workshop then you also created a GitHub account. GitHub is a website for sharing and collaborating on code using the tool Git. Git is a source control management tool. Git is not the only tool of this type but it is very popular and widely used both in industry and open-source projects.

Advice: There are some great GUI tools available for Git such as Git Tower, GitHub Desktop, and GitKraken. However it is easy to get over confident with these tools and get tripped up once you get to advanced usage unless you have a solid understanding of how Git works. For that reason it is highly advised to become familar with git on the command-line to get a better understanding of it. Even if you also use the GUI tools to make some tasks easier.

Node, Javascript & Technology Podcasts

The Women in Tech Show weekly technical interviews with prominent women in tech.

Node Up is a podcast with Node.js specific discussions.

Javascript Jabber is a weekly discussion about JavaScript, front-end development, community, careers, and frameworks.

WesBos is a YouTube channel with a variety of short videos mostly on web development and Javascript.

Fun Fun Function is a Youtube channel with short videos on a wide variety of programming topics. It has a quirky sense of humour that isn’t for everyone. His approach is very much a “this seems dumb, let me figure out for you why it isn’t”.

Greater than Code is a podcast that discusses people issues related to software development.

Toolsday is a short weekly podcast about different software development tools. Mostly related to web development.