Difficulty: Minor tweak of existing feature

This challenge adds a menu to to pick a β€œmood” (happy,sad, angry etc) from a list when making a post. That mood is then displayed on that post.

Here's how a challenge works:

  1. We tell you how to change the front-end for the new feature.
  2. We describe the expectations for the backend changes.
  3. We'll discuss the steps & things you need to understand to do this and give some hints.
  4. Then you have to implement the backend changes yourself.

There will be a solution at the end. But remember there is always more than one way of doing things. :smile:

1. Enabling the UI

First up we have some changes to the UI.

To add these changes do the following steps:

  1. Open up public/main.css

    Find the line /* 1. mood indicator */.

    Insert the following code after that line:

     @font-face {
       font-family: 'NotoColorEmoji';
       src: url('NotoColorEmoji.ttf');
       text-decoration: none;
       font-style: normal;
     div.mood {
      margin: 5px;
      font-size: 18px;
     div.mood .emoji {
      font-family: 'NotoColorEmoji';
      font-size: 30px;
     div.mood-select {
      margin: 25px 15px;
      font-size: 20px;
      display: inline-block;
     @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
       div.mood-select {
         margin: 15px 20px 0px 20px;
  2. Open up public/script.js

    Find the line // 2. insert mood display here.

    Insert the following code after that line:

     var moodNames = [
       '<span class="emoji">πŸ˜ƒ</span> Happy',
       '<span class="emoji">πŸ˜›</span> Joking',
       '<span class="emoji">😒</span> Sad',
       '<span class="emoji">πŸ˜”</span> Regretful',
       '<span class="emoji">😑</span> Angry',
       '<span class="emoji">😲</span> Suprised',
       '<span class="emoji">😎</span> Smug',
       '<span class="emoji">πŸ‘‘</span> Triumphant',
       '<span class="emoji">😍</span> In love'
     var moodDiv = document.createElement('div');
     moodDiv.className = 'mood';
     moodDiv.innerHTML = moodNames[post.mood];
  3. Open up public/index.html

    Find the line <!-- 3. mood selector -->.

    Insert the following code after that line:

     <div class="mood-select">I'm feeling:
       <select name="mood">
         <option value="0">None</option>
         <option value="1">πŸ˜ƒ Happy</option>
         <option value="2">πŸ˜› Joking</option>
         <option value="3">😒 Sad</option>
         <option value="4">πŸ˜” Regretful</option>
         <option value="5">😑 Angry</option>
         <option value="6">😲 Suprised</option>
         <option value="7">😎 Smug</option>
         <option value="8">πŸ‘‘ Triumphant</option>
         <option value="9">😍 In love</option>

Make sure you save those changes and refresh the web page. You should see the β€œMood” menu near the POST button.

It will look like this:

Mood feature enabled

With the above changes, the webpage now does the following:

  1. When creating a new post, it sends a value of 0 to 9 as the field mood as part of the form data.
  2. Expects the blogpost objects retrieved from /get-posts to each have a mood property, with a value of 0 to 9, for which it displays the corresponding mood emoji and description.

Once properly implemented posts with a mood set will look like this:

Post with Mood set

Backend Specification

The following changes are required:

  1. /create-post receives an additional form data field, mood which must be saved as part of the post object.
  2. The post objects returned by /get-posts should include a mood property. Example:

       "timestamp": "2342423432233",
       "content": "This is a new post",
       "mood": "3"


  1. Remember you can use console.log() to check how the contents of variables or parameters change.
  2. You will only need to change the /create-post endpoint to ensure that the mood data is saved.
  3. /get-posts returns all the information regardless so no changes are required there.


If you get stuck or just want to compare with your answer click below to see our solution.

Note that this solution only shows the endpoint in question, not all of server.js.

app.post('/create-post', function (request, response) {
  var now = Date.now();
  var newPost = {
    timestamp: now,
    content: request.fields.blogpost,
    mood: request.fields.mood

  fs.readFile(__dirname+'/data/posts.json', function (error, data) {
      console.log('Error reading posts.json: ' + error);
    } else {
      var posts = JSON.parse(data);

      var updatedData = JSON.stringify(posts);


      fs.writeFile(__dirname+'/data/posts.json', updatedData, function (error) {
        if (error) {
          console.log('Error writing posts.json: '+error);
        } else {

Remember just because your solution doesn’t look exactly like this one doesn’t mean that it is wrong. The important question is whether it works or not. If your answer is very different you might want to ask a mentor in case you are doing something that looks like it works but will create problems for you later.